About the Vancouver APC
We are a Christian congregation worshipping the Lord our God in Vancouver, BC. We love God's Word and cherish our practice of worshipping God in our every thought, word, and deed. Although small, we come from a variety of different backgrounds. Please join us on Sundays for our worship service at 2pm and our teaching service at 4pm!
You're also welcome to come out to our Wednesday evening home bible study. Please contact Mr. Fraser at info@vancouverapc.org for directions and more details!
Our Vision
Our vision is to be a united body, sustained by the grace of God, worshipping and serving together in the living proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ for the glory of God in Vancouver and abroad.
Our Mission
Our mission is to proclaim and defend the gospel to all people, in word and deed, with courage as humble servants of Jesus Christ to the glory of God.
The Reformed Presbyterian Church Of Canada
In April 2023, the congregation became affiliated with the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Canada (RPCC). Prior to that, the congregation was affiliated with the Associated Presbyterian Churches.
Both denominations are confessionally Presbyterian denominations. Currently, the RPCC has 9 churches/mission stations throughout Canada. As a denomination, we are committed to the Word of God and seek to boldly proclaim the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ to all who will hear us!