Sermon Recordings
We post most of our sermons on Sermon Audio for you to easily access all of our recordings. Whether you're re-listening to a sermon from Sunday or wanting to get a sense of what our preaching is like, we invite you to check out our archive:
About Our Preaching
Our preaching is Christ-centred and Gospel-focused. This means that every sermon is intended to communicate the great things which the LORD our God has done in history in order to bring about our redemption from sin and our reconciliation in Jesus Christ!
What's more, we believe that preaching must get to the heart of the matter... which is the heart. As the Puritan Thomas Watson put it, "Until sin be bitter, Christ is not sweet." This means that our sermons won't feel 'light' or 'fluffy' because the problem of sin in us is so great and the good news of Christ's ministry to us is so glorious!
J. Gresham Machen’s words have particular resonance for our view of biblical preaching: “The very center and core of the whole Bible is the doctrine of the grace of God—the grace of God which depends not one whit upon anything that is in man, but is absolutely undeserved, resistless and sovereign. The theologians of the Church can be placed in an ascending scale according as they have grasped that one great central doctrine, that doctrine that gives consistency to all the rest; and Christian experience also depends for its depth and for its power upon the way in which that blessed doctrine is cherished in the depths of the heart. The center of the Bible, and the center of Christianity, is found in the grace of God; and the necessary corollary of the grace of God is salvation through faith alone.”
Ned B. Stonehouse, J. Gresham Machen: A Biographical Memoir (Grand Rapids, 1955), page 396.
Origins and Expectations: The Book of Genesis
By paying careful attention to the testimony of the God given to His servant Moses, we are being lead to a right understanding of our origins (Adam and Eve and their descendants) and our expectations (Romans 5:21) as they are shaped by the work of Jesus Christ. Genesis is an immensely practical book that is filled with foreshadowing of the person & work of Jesus Christ. (Listen to the sermon series)
An Object Lesson in The Fear of God: The Book of Daniel
The Book of Daniel gives us an incredible description of God’s sovereign care for His people in the midst of dire circumstances. (Listen to the sermon series)
The Gospel of Matthew: Pastor Norm worked through the opening 12 chapters of Matthew’s Gospel in an expository (text-focused) series that brought us closer to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Within Matthew's gospel account is an exquisite portrait of our Saviour and a testimony about how He has fulfilled the Lord's Promise to bring salvation to His people. (Listen to the sermon series)
Joy in the Christian Life: In a mini-series on a critical topic for Christians, Pastor Norm surveyed the descriptions of joy for believers in this life and the various causes of joy that we find outlined in scripture. Unfortunately a few of the sermon recordings didn’t turn out well so it’s an abbreviated 4 part series that is available on sermon audio. (Listen to the sermon series)
The Covenants in the Bible: We examined the various covenants between God and His creation that we find record of in the Scriptures. With the excellent work of Rev. Michael Brown and Rev. Zach Keele in Sacred Bond: Covenant Theology Explored as a companion text to guide our study, we explored the broad outlines of covenant theology and the specific instances of covenants between God and His creation that stand with such relational significance in Scripture. If you’re new to Reformed and Presbyterian theology, consider checking out this series to understand how the covenantal arrangement of life between God and His creation is so foundational to our very being in this world! (Listen to the sermon series)
A Survey of the Whole Bible: In our teaching service, Pastor Norm taught us about the Bible by looking at each book in sequence. The benefit of doing so was that we saw how the Bible fits together as a whole and how it all speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Mediator! (Listen to the sermon series)
The Prophecy of Joel: Pastor Norm preached through the prophecy of Joel, who served in the time of Josiah and brings to us, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, a most timely word of caution and direction!
1st and 2nd Thessalonians: Pastor Norm preached through the letters of Paul to the Thessalonians. We were convicted by the powerful exhortations and warnings found in these letters! Nevertheless, we were also greatly reassured by God's Word as it prepares us for the challenges that the church faces in this age. (Listen to the sermon series)
The Gospel of Mark: Pastor Matandika preached a series of sermons on the 2nd Gospel in the New Testament and the story of what King Jesus did for us! (Listen to the sermon series)
The Book of Ecclesiastes: Pastor Matandika preached through this Wisdom book with its profound reflections on life, eternity, and the need to fear the Lord and serve Him in the face of every calamity in life. (Listen to the sermon series)