Our Leadership
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of His Church with sovereign authority to rule the Church as He wills (Matthew 28: 18). This true Church must be governed by the structure of spiritual leadership which our Lord has described in His Word. There must be ministers or pastors to preach the Word of God and to administer the sacraments; elders to teach, disciple, guide and correct the flock as the Lord has taught; and deacons to provide comfort to the needy and encouragement to all members to use the gifts God has given them.
What's more, we wholeheartedly believe that all believers hold the noble calling of Christ to be His prophets, priests, and kings in this age as we exercise our gifts together. As prophets we speak the truth with a heart of love, as priests we serve with the grateful heart of one who has been set free, and as kings we have the authority of sons and daughters of the King!
Our prayer is that you will experience the blessings of church membership as you receive the care that is provided to you by your fellow members and those who labour under the calling to serve you as pastors, elders, and deacons.
Our Pastor
Rev. Matthess was installed as minister in the congregation on December 4, 2024. David was trained for the ministry at Westminster Seminary UK, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, and served as an associate pastor for Bury St. Edmunds Presbyterian Church for a year before emigrating to British Columbia to take up the pastorate amongst us.
Session and Deacons Court Members
Hugh Fraser, Elder
Mr. Fraser is our elder and he has been serving as an elder in the congregation for many years and is an engineer by profession.
Edward Mondiwa, Deacon
Mr. Mondiwa serves in our congregation as a deacon and he is an engineer by vocation.