3 Ways To Live By Faith When Life Makes No Sense At All

Paul Tripp, biblical counsellor and author, writes well that...

"There are three principles that guide us how to live by faith when life makes no sense at all.

1. We Are Being Strengthened

The author of Hebrews 11 says that Abraham was being tested, which is a word picture for metal being purified. God will send difficult, unexpected and unwanted trials into our lives to produce in us what could have never been produced otherwise. I refer to that as the theology of uncomfortable grace, and we need to preach it to ourselves and to others.

2. We Aren't Supposed To Figure Life Out

Hebrews 11 also indicates that Abraham didn't know that God would provide an animal for sacrifice. In other words, he didn't obey because he knew the future. When God sends confusing trials into our lives or asks us to obey mystifying commands, he won't always tell us why. I have counseled many Christians who complicate their suffering by trying to interpret what God has intentionally kept a divine secret.

3. We Need To Rely On Promises And Commands

Abraham was able to obey in faith because he rested in the promises of God and followed the clear commands. He knew that the Lord does not lie and that we can trust everything he does. When life doesn't make any sense at all, these two things are enough for us to live by faith.

...No matter what you're experiencing, God's promises and commands are enough.

His grace is sufficient for you, and his power is made perfect in confusion and weakness.

(View the whole post here: http://mailchi.mp/paultrippministries/ww-7-12-2017-are-you-too-happy-with-your-life-603573?e=39e8785b01)

